Rich Fool

It is not a sin to be rich. Most of us in this country are very rich in terms of the entire world. What is important is what we do with our riches. Do we hoard them or spend them on ourselves and loved ones or do we share the blessings that God gives us? I don’t believe there is anything wrong with spending some of our riches on ourselves, but as Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than to receive. We need to keep things in perspective. We complain about gas prices and slow internet while others do not know where their next meal comes from or whether they will be alive tomorrow. God always looks at our heart. He delights in our compassion and generosity and frowns on greediness and covetousness. This is what Jesus is talking about in His parable of the rich fool.

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The World, Idols, and Materialism

Three of the things God despises are worldliness, idolatry and materialism and I think these go hand in hand and are almost synonymous.  God wants your complete and total commitment to Him.  He does not want to share loyalties with anyone or anything else.  He should be the one and only God in our life.  We should serve Him and Him alone. Continue reading “The World, Idols, and Materialism”